Greetings, Fellow Astronauts! It's another dangerous mission for the boxcar crew as Ben and Devin bravely fly their spaceship into the heart of an asteroid field. How will the boys survive the onslaught of hurtling space debris? Two words: "Shields Up!" Check out an All New Boxcar Astronaut for the wild outer space action!
I'll bet you're humming the William Tell Overture right about now, aren't you? Yep, me, too. I love the Lone Ranger. He's one of my earliest childhood heroes. As a matter of fact, if you could go back to when I was six and ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I'd have probably said one of three things, Spider-Man, an eye doctor, or the Lone Ranger. My Spider-Man fantasy, I'll go into in a later post. The eye doctor thing came from the fact that my childhood eye doctor was really cool, had Bill Cosby Picture Pages books in his office, and was always taking photos of my eyes because he thought they were so cool. I obviously grew out of that phase, but, I digress... The Lone Ranger, with his classic iconic look, ranks right up there with King Arthur, Robin Hood, and Superman on the all time greatest noble hero list. I've heard the rumors about a new Lone Ranger movie in the works and I can't wait to see it all come together. Personally, I think Nathan Fillion of Firefly/ Serenity fame would be a dream choice, but that could just be the little sci-fi fan boy in me doing a bit of wishful thinking. Anyway, enough of my ramblings, I'm going to go ride off into the sunset now.
Greetings, Fellow Astronauts! Poor Ben, all he really wants to do is fly his spaceship to the stars with his trusty mutt, Diogee. On the other hand, Diogee doesn't share Ben's enthusiasm for imaginary space travel and therefore is easily distracted from his "job". Check out this week's All New Boxcar Astronaut for another classic example of why dogs stink as co-pilots!
The other day while reading one of my favorite webcomics, "Imagine This" I had a vision of Clovis, the wanna-be tyranical teddy bear (one of the stars of the strip) dressed up as Kim Jong-il. So being the kind of guy I am, I had to draw it and share my vision with the world. If you've ever read Imagine This, then you'll understand why this looks suits Clovis. Although, if you're not familiar with the gang from Lucas Turnbloom's crazy wonderful comic, then I highly suggest you start from the beginning and get up to speed! Better yet, go buy the book! You have no idea what you're missing.
Greetings, Fellow Astronauts! This week marks the 75th installment of Boxcar Astronaut, in which we find Ben and Devin playing with an all time favorite item, bubble wrap! We all know popping bubble wrap is fun and addictive, however, as the boys soon learn, is best enjoyed in moderation. Witness what happens when Robot gets his hands on a roll of bubble wrap in this week's All New Boxcar Astronaut!
Here's a recent sketch book page of random tough guy faces. Once in a while, as an exercise, I like to quickly sketch as many different versions of the same character theme as I can think of.
Today, I'm taking a train to Pinkerton Park! This week the great Mike Witmer is on vacation from his comic about a gang of fuzzy friends in the wilderness. While the Head Ranger is away, a bunch of us fellow comic artists are filling in. Today, my contribution is running over at It's a parody of my favorite film, "A Hard Day's Night". I've put the four main characters of Pinkerton in the roles of the Fab Four, and myself in the role of "the clean old man". Head on over to the Pinkerton site to read the whole strip!
Greetings, Fellow Astronauts! Caveman's birthday party is winding down and, boy, is it getting boring. It seems not even pointy party hats can help. What can the boys do liven up Cavie's party? Check out this week's All New Boxcar Astronaut for the hilarious answer!
Every once and a while, between other projects, I find myself sketching some of my favorite comic characters. For this sketch, I wanted to try out my own spin on Superman's origins. I've always been a big fan of the Man of Steel. Ever since my young eyes first witnessed Richard Donner's classic film, I've been in love with the story of Jor-El's son Kal coming to Earth and protecting his adopted home from the clutches of evil. Doing this sketch brought me right back to being a kid dreaming about Krypton.
Complete Heterochromia is an ocular condition in which the iris of one eye is a different color than the iris of the other eye. Through this blog, and the sketches in it, you will see the world through my eyes, which, incidentally are brown and blue.
I'm an average working stiff moonlighting as a cartoonist/ illustrator. My free time is spent drawing, painting and working in Photoshop. Feel free to read my webcomic at!